Last call for our Namibia workshops!

Into the Wild – only 2 spots left! 

On our Into the Wild workshop, I invite you to join me on a remarkable workshop
in meeting and exploring some of the oldest cultures known to man: The San and Himba peoples.
You’ll travel by private 4×4 and have access to remarkable places and the truly generous tribes.

The following framed pictures are from my own personal collection from my trips in Namibia,
and they are an excellent way of giving you and idea of what to expect on this unparalleled workshop.

All photos by Christian Nørgaard
From top to bottom, left to right:
– A remarkable portrait of hunters getting ready for the hunt
– A San chieftain
– A San women in traditional garb

– A women showing off her finest garments
– A stunning portrait of a decorated Himba woman
Why join Into The Wild?
One of the smallest workshops we offer, it’s limited to five spots so as not to disturb the people we visit unnecessarily,
whilst giving you more than ample time to get up close and personal with your portrait photos.
The country itself is breathtaking, its inhabitants kind and generous beyond measure.
We are wholly convinced that you’ve never had an experience like this before – and probably won’t have the opportunity again.
We spare no expense when catering our workshops to meet your high standards, so rest assured:
The workshop is as luxurious as it is educating.
If at this point you’re not already convinced that you truly are in for a trip of a lifetime,
have a look behind the scenes of our most recent trip to Namibia and see for yourself.

Like Michael de Rooy, a previous participants, says:
“If you like taking pictures of with native tribes, then this is a great opportunity and workshop!”“If I had only three words to describe this workshop, I’d say professional, an amazing experience and great fun!

Michael de Rooy abut the Into the Wild workshop
Act fast! Only 2 spots left!
Join us on this breathtaking tour October 30th-November 9th 2023
Into the Wild Namibia

Spirit of the Desert
Join our breathtaking workshop with award-winning photographer Tom D. Jones focusing on landscape and wildlife photography
and receive discounts on an excursion to ghost town Kolmanskop as well as aerial photography of Deadvlei!

All pictures by Tom D. Jones
From top to bottom:
– Majestic Spitzkoppe by night
– A selection of eerie skeleton-like trees in the valley of Deadvlei

Why Join Spirit of the Desert?
No other place on Earth can boast such a varied landscape as Namibia.
Whether it’s the world’s tallest sand dunes, seemingly endless deserts, the impressive rock formations and the haunting,
skeleton-like trees of Deadvlei, there’s something for everyone.
Additionally, Namibia offers unprecedented access to photograph the night sky with abolutely zero light pollution.
Need we say more?
Furthermore, those interested will receive FOR FREE the following equipment from PHASE ONE:

  • One-to-one Master Class with a Phase One expert prior to departure and after ended workshop.
  • CaptureOne Software training and support before and during workshop.
  • Follow-up training and support after completion of workshop.
To make the most of your photography
The workshop sees you traveling with a group of 8-12 guests for 8 days in intimate surroundings.
As with all our workshops, your accommodation will be 5-star, and you’ll want for nothing.
– Spitzkoppe


We’ve painstakingly selected the accommodation on our workshops to meet the high standards we hold ourselves to.
We want you to travel in luxury on all of our workshops, and this of course includes both Into the Wild and Spirit of the Desert.

One of the incredible tents you’ll be staying at, granting full access to the stellar night sky

Spitzkoppen Lodge
This superb five-star hotel is situated at the base of the ancient and dramatic Spitzkoppe granite peaks

Strand Hotel Swakopmund
A luxurious and exclusive hotel
situated by the waterfront in Swakopmund

Dead Valley Lodge
A beautiful piece of architecture, this lodge offers luxury in spartan surroundings

Am Weinberg Estate’s Boutique Hotel
Opened in 2018, this elegant hotel in Windhoek
offers everything the heart desires




Get the most out of Namibia with great discounts
Because we value our guests highly, we’re organizing a private excursion to the eerie ghost town of Kolmanskop,
which you will receive an extra 35% discount on when booking this workshop!

What’s more, all guests who sign up will receive a 25% discount
on the option to charter a helicopter for private aerial photography over Deadvlei Valley!
If this sounds interesting, act fast and book your spot now!

Spirit of the Desert

Join this spectacular workshop November 11th-18th 2023
If you need more convincing, here’s what our previous guests have to say about this workshop
Eric Frere has joined six of our workshops so far.
Here’s what he had to say about his experience in Namibia

Says Eric Frere of working with PHASE ONE:
“With the 150 megapixels, you get a clarity that’s incredible”Of his trip to Kolmanskop:
“Visiting the ghost town of Kolmanskop is something that I’ve always remember”

For more inspiration, have a look at our curated catalogues
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